Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

It is not islamophobia to take someone at their word when they say they want you dead.


The "black flag of jihad" as used by...

The “black flag of jihad” as used by various Islamic terrorist organizations (since the late 1990s) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Our tolerant muslim friends tell us (when not engaged in dropping walls on homosexuals, or gang raping Western journalists), that Islam is the religion of peace,  that allah is a god of mercy and compassion, and muhammed was the greatest prophet.  I respectfully disagree, these are lies.

Islam is the greatest force of evil alive on the planet today.  It is the religion of the satanically controlled, and it is evident to everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Of all the world religions, which ones advocate in scripture the taking of slaves, the oppression of women, and the murder of those who believe differently?  Take your time, but there’s only one.  islam.

Which religion of the world states that suicide is a good thing?

Which religion’s followers have a penchant for blowing up airplanes, themselves, and cowardly roadside IED’s because their god wants them to? (Which deity comes to mind when you imagine a being that approves of these actions?  The one I think of has horns.)

Which religion really likes beheadings on Youtube?

Which religion encourages fathers to kill their children if they are not pious enough?

Which religious adherents, while wearing blue jeans, and talking on their cell phones, loudly proclaim Israel and the United States (the two most powerful forces for world peace and prosperity in all of history) as the Lesser and Greater Satan?

In case any of these questions stumped you, the answer to all of them is islam.

Luckily though, our islamic friends are peaceful and tolerant.  Remember you don’t have to be beheaded or enslaved, you could always convert…

Islam the religion of pieces peace.

Some interesting articles from those who think Islam might not be a peaceful philosophy are listed below.




Global Terrorism Database:


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Coat of Arms of Saudi Arabia

Coat of Arms of Saudi Arabia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Boston Marathon Bombing

Boston Marathon Bombing (Photo credit: hahatango)

There is diplomatic hanky panky going on right now between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Read the articles below from

Something is wrong with the story in Boston.  After yesterday’s media meltdown over the lack of white perpetrators it has become painfully obvious that the MSM is doing there best to massage any news in the president’s favor.  I am afraid that the poitical atmosphere in this country is working against the efforts to find and capture the culprit(s).  Thank you Democrats.

Interestingly enough, Obama met with the Saudi Arabia foreign minister in an unscheduled meeting yesterday, ducking in on John Kerry and the ambassador for a quick photo op and then turning the open door meeting into a closed door meeting.  That’s weird.


The same Saudi “person of interest” that was being held at a hospital in Boston is being deported on “National Security Grounds”, and “terrorist activity”, as soon as today.  UPDATE!!! ( 8:34PM 2.18.13)

“According to terrorism expert Steve Emerson, 20-year-old Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi national first suspected of being involved in Monday’s twin bomb attack, is being hastily deported.” (quoted from Infowars).  This same individual is reported as to having several family members in Al-Qaeda…. … …. … Excuse me, what?

From Infowars.com

Abdul Rahman has the same name as Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, the 16 year old killed by drone strike in August, and also the same name as one of the original bombers of the world trade center in 1993.  I don’t believe in coincidences.

From the FBI:


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